100 Years of Women's Suffrage & LWV
In the year leading up to the ratification of the Women's Vote (Aug 2020), the national, state and local Leagues, in collaboration with other organizations across the nation, celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the founding of the League of Women Voters.
Celebratory events (see Events listing) include February's Women Power the Vote Day(s) of Action, proclamations from towns and the State, LWVNJ Open House in Trenton, Voter Girl statewide civics workshops with 500 Girl Scouts, a #SheIsMeLWV social media campaign, virtual watch parties, performances / documentaries, Morris County women leaders speaking on 100 years of Women leadership, and the culminating LWVNJ Centennial gala on September 16th.

Voter Girl
On March 7, 2020 the LWVNJ and Girl Scouts of New Jersey collaborated on the Voter Girl project - a one-day class for Girl Scouts of all levels to earn citizenship badges through learning about civic engagement and advocacy. Over 500 Girl Scouts participated, led by over 150 LWV volunteers and Girl Scout leaders, and 50 elected officials. The event was held at 4 locations throughout the State. Elected women officials and League leaders spoke.
Workshops empowered Girl Scouts to act on their right to vote, engage in civil debate and learn to be counted in the 2020 census. Each age level completed a Citizenship badge including Behind the Ballot, Celebrating Community, Finding Common Ground and Inside Government.
The day culminated with a parade of scouts waving banners and posters of their own creation celebrating the right of women to vote. This was a wonderful opportunity for girls and women of ALL ages to see women who are actively engage in making Democracy Work, held on the 100th Anniversary of both the League of Women Voters and the 19th Amendment. More...

Women Power the Vote Day of Action
Born from the suffrage movement 100 years ago, Leagues across the nation kicked off the year 2020 with a Day of Action in February, 2020 to tell a single story of the League's impact. The Morristown Area League celebrated by rallying on the Morristown Green where we videotaped short vignettes about our introduction to the League. Kellie Doucette from US Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill’s office issued a proclamation celebrating 100 years of the League and Women’s Vote. After the rally, we marched to the Morristown Iron Bar to party on.
Centennial Testimonials
Centennial Testimonials

Testimony on 100th Anniversary of League of Women Voters

Testimony of League of Women Voters on 100th Birthday

Testimony forLeague of Women Voters on 100th Birthday

Testimony on 100th Birthday of League of Women Voters
At the Chatham NJ July 4, 2019 parade, the Chatham Girl Scouts, the League of Women Voters Morristown Area and the Chatham Historical Society commemorated Congress's passing the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919 (ratified August 1920). The 3 groups collaborated on a float featuring women and girls wearing vintage suffragette white attire with Votes for Women sashes and yellow ribbons tied around their waists to symbolize the sun shining on the democracy of the women’s movement. Over 100 Girls Scouts marched with signs "I Can't Wait to Vote."

Exhibit at the Chatham Library
June 2019
The League of Women Voters Morristown Area unveiled “Our First 100 Years” at the Library of the Chathams, an exhibit on the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment - Women's Right to Vote and the founding of the League of Women Voters. The exhibit was created by 3 Chatham High School senior interns for the League. The students, Adelaide Barkhorn, Lauren Cifelli, and Liliana Eisenhardt, were mentored by LWV Morristown Area activist Dr. Rosella Clyde.
The exhibit includes an original wooden ballot box donated by the Chatham Historical Society, an interactive presentation about the history of the league and of suffrage advocates, biographies on the creators of the display, and other information regarding the 100th anniversary of the women’s right to vote.
The students were presented with congratulatory certificates from the Office of Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill.