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Power to the Polls
In Jan 2018, the LWV Morristown Area co-hosted the Women's March on New Jersey, in Morristown, welcoming 17,000 women, men and children to a peaceful, energizing rally that celebrated the achievements of women after the previous year’s historic march and mobilized them to:
Bring Our Power To the Polls...
through increased voter registration, participation and empowerment in both the 2018 primary and general elections.
LWVNJ receives donation from NJ Women's March to continue Power to the Polls mission
WMONJ2018 Welcome at Morristown Town Hall. LWVNJ President Nancy Hedinger speaks on the need, rights and power of voting
Jim Koper
Jim Koper Photography
Donna Vople
Donna Vople Photography
Joan Eddis Koch Photographer
Kate Albright Photography
Shelley Kusnetz Photography
Bruce Frazier Photography
Blue Wave
Blue Wave Photos
WMONJ2018 Speakers on the Morristown Green, Part 1 of 3
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